Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Good Appt...

Today we had another GREAT appointment. Cervical length was 3.4!!! I had to do my glucose tolerance test, & we also had another FFN swab done. I won't get those results for another 2 days...I'm sure they will both come back just fine. At least I'm hoping. Jordan is growing just right...we are a week ahead in our growth, which is fabulous. Our doctors orders are to continue with bed rest, monitoring & the terbutaline pump & visit the Dr. weekly for checkups. At this rate we could easily go to full term! I'm going to try ;-)

More news in the Helgerson house...we are decorating the Jordan's room this weekend. I will post pics when it's all finished. When I say "WE" I mean Nate is decorating, I'm directing :-) He's not too jazzed about painting, but he does love to put things together. We have the crib, mattress & dresser coming on there will be a nursery in our house. Kind of crazy, yet exciting! Nate's been working hard, taking care of the house, me & Doozer while still working 6 days a week. I'm so thankful for all he does, I'm very lucky to have such a supportive husband. Our friends & families have been great through all of this commotion as well. Bringing us lunch, dinner, magazines, movies, books & just their company is good enough for me.

We will as always keep everyone posted. Hope you are having a wonderful summer.
Love xoxox,
The Helgerson's

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Best News Yet...

Pretty little baby....such a cute face already
So peaceful....hope she stays like that. Haha. Wishful thinking I know
Her nose looks like a little piggy....but, she does love to eat
Some put their foot in their mouth...she puts her foot in her eye....silly girl :-)

We had an OB visit at my doctors/work yesterday. Nate & I were extremely nervous & just hoping we wouldn't have to go to the hospital this week.

Our doctor, Dr. Holbrook, did another FFN (Fetal Fybronectin) test which the results will be in today to see if we have any chance of delivering in the next 2 weeks. Then we had a cervical length ultrasound...we measured at 3.8 & then when we added pressure by pushing it was at a 3.0!!! We were very far everything was fabulous. The NST machine showed no contractions & Dr. Holbrook looked over all of the results from our appointment & told Nate to "take your wife to work, she deserves it." So, like any wonderful husband would do...we went to lunch :-)

We decided to eat at Garrett's Restaurant...he could hit some golf balls & I could eat their delicious food. We are to return weekly for an ultrasound & a FFN test. We no longer need to have an NST (non-stress test) since we are doing the home monitoring.

Over the weekend we moved into my parents house while they were in WI at their cabin. I didn't want to sit at home & worry whether or not I'm contracting. Also, with the new medication I'm on I just had to have some reassurance. It was nice having all my girlfriends stop by...Nicole & Ang came over Friday, Katy came over Saturday & Dena visited on Sunday :-) I have the best girlfriends!!! We are very thankful that my parents let us move in, but we are happy to be back in our home.

AT&T came this morning to install a phone line & we are in business with my new monitor. We've already monitored this morning & it seems to be working correctly. It was very frustrating for Nate over the weekend that he couldn't just install the phone line (he works for Verizon for a living), but it would be illegal & we don't need any more problems. ;-)

Our new home phone # is (815)282-0225. We will probably not have the phone once Jordan is allowed to arrive, but if you need to chat or get a hold of us for the next 3 months you have a new number to call.

Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts & support from all of our family & friends.
Love xoxoxox,
The Helgerson's

Friday, July 17, 2009

Going Home...Kind of ?

Well, we were discharged from the hospital yesterday. I had to have my breakfast, lunch & get monitored for contractions just one last time before they let me leave. I had one small contraction, but I had to use the bathroom SO badly. Having a full bladder causes contractions...I was not aware they were going to put me on the NST machine otherwise I would've used the restroom. Oh well, just had a small one. I'm allowed to have 3 in an hour. So, we're doing well.

My Mom came to the hospital to sit with me & then bring me home once I was allowed to leave. We had the room all packed up & I was just waiting as patiently as I could. 4 days in the hospital I was getting a bit antsy to get home to my husband, puppy & my own bed. So, we got packed, but I was missing a shoe, they found my other shoe still in my old room, then the nurse never took out my IV in my arm, & then I left my pillow in my room....I guess I really didn't want to leave. The nursing staff at RMH are absolutely wonderful & have been so good to me. They have answered all the questions we had & have made me feel very comfortable.

We were out of the hospital, got into my Mom's VW Bug & headed to my house. The Alere Healthcare nurse, Karin was meeting us at my house to hook up the new wireless monitor for my contractions. We were getting a lesson on how to use the system, when to use it, how often to use it & what to expect from their nurses. It all went well except for the part where the monitor wouldn't work anywhere in our house. Nate & I live in the "gray" area of their coverage. So, our only option was to find someone's house who has good coverage until they can get AT&T out to our home to install a phone line. The monitor we have converts from wireless to analog (phone). We have never had a phone line in our home & thought it would be great if the wireless one worked so we didn't have to worry about a phone line. The insurance company is taking care of AT&T installing the line & paying for it too :-)

Since the monitor didn't work we had them check how the service was at my parent's house...they are in the "best" coverage area. If that didn't work we were going to try Nate's parents house & use their phone line. Well, my parent's house worked so off we went. I was home for an hour at least & not in the hospital. My Mom hooked up the monitor & we tested it on my belly. Everything worked great. Once we monitor for an hour the system reports to their nurses at Alere. The nurses have 1 hour to call me & let me know what is going on. Last night I had one contraction. This morning I had 1 contraction w/ some irritability. I am allowed to have 3 contractions within an hour. If I have 4 or more within an hour they will have me give myself a boost of my meds, terbutaline sulfate or head to the hospital. I monitor myself 2 times a day...once in the morning & once at night.

This whole thing is a lot of work & a bit frustrating especially when I feel fine, I'm in good health & I know plenty of people that have had & are having pregnancies that are a breeze. We keep telling ourselves that God is preparing us to be good parents. The little things won't matter to us, we already appreciate our baby more than someone who hasn't had to worry about every little thing & we'll be able to handle things better because we've gone through all of this. Nate & I have become a great team through this pregnancy. I'm so proud of him for being such a wonderful husband & he's already a fantastic daddy. This whole experience has taught us to have patience, that planning things is a complete joke, & to ask the doctor whatever is on your mind & get answers. We have done a lot of waiting & we are tired of it, we want answers, so now we are getting tough :-)

Thank you everyone for your love, support & prayers. We are so fortunate to have family & friends around to help us out & be there for us. Thanks to our Mom's aka Grandma's for all your help...Grandma Helgerson got us groceries & Grammie Deb did our laundry. It's not easy for Nate to allow people to help, but he's getting better at letting them help, because they love us & want to do whatever they can. We are also very lucky that my work is so wonderful through all of this. I am still getting paid to be on bed rest. I'm getting long term disability pay of 66% salary & my job is still there after my maternity leave is done. It's been very convenient that my Doctor is also my Boss :-)

As always we will keep you posted on any updates. Our next appointment with the doctor is Monday @ 10:15...we are having another FFN swab done to check for any signs of preterm labor within 2 weeks, an ultrasound to check the cervical length & an NST to monitor for contractions. We have a long appointment & we'll have them every week until we allow Jordan to enter this world :-)

Love xoxoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still @ RMH :-(

Well, I'm going to have to give you a little background information from yesterday to now....we haven't had any contractions since Monday night at 11:00 p.m. So Yeah!!!! I have been on the Magnesium Sulfate (Mag) since Monday @ 1:00 p.m. The cervical length ultrasound did not go well was a 1.8 :-( The growth ultrasound went very well, Jordan is growing just perfectly. She's getting bigger everyday.

Ok now on to today :-) We were woken up by Dr. Holbrook this morning who told me that since my cervical length was so short yesterday I'm here until it increases. She did not tell me what that length of increase will be. We are also getting a Trabutaline Pump (T Pump) from Matria Health today & someone will be in to show us how to operate it. It is the new meds to keep the contractions from starting again. Obviously the Procardium Pills were not working. We will also have a monitor at our house to keep an eye out for any contractions via satellite. We are told the T-Pump & the contractions monitor will help us to stay out of the hospital. So, we'll do whatever we have to!!!!

Big happenings for our day was...I got transferred around lunch time to the high risk mom unit since I was not contracting anymore. It's much quieter over here & the rooms are so much nicer too. Plus, once I'm here it's like I have one foot out the door :-) Once I got to my new room I also FINALLY got to shower. Thank God...I don't think my nurses or the visitors could handle it. Haha. Around 3:00 the Matria Health Nurse came to show me how to do the T-Pump. My Mom (Grammie Deb) was here to be another set of eyes & ears for me (Nate was making Jordan & I $$$). I have to change my injection site & tubing every 3-5 days. The pump is the size of a pager & I insert a syringe into the device that has my meds in it. I change my meds every 16-20 hours...the pump lets me know when it's getting low. So far the pump seems the time I do it a few more times it will be a normal thing. Right now it's a little scary stabbing myself with a needle to insert medicine into my body. I get meds every hour & an extra boost every 4 hours. The extra boost every 4 hours makes me really I've had too much coffee/caffeine.

Other than all of that fabulous news...Jordan is doing well, I'm doing well, Nate is great & we are hoping the cervical length ultrasound tomorrow allows us to go home! Once we are home the Matria Health Nurse will be out to hook us up with the monitor for our contractions. For now we are hanging out at the hospital waiting for the next step to be decided. We are just thankful the baby & Mom are healthy :-) We keep telling ourselves things could be worse & this is God preparing us for having a child. Making us realize that the small stuff doesn't matter so much & planning things doesn't always work. We all know what a big planner I, I'm learning to have patience & take things day by day.

Thanks to everyone who has come visit us & brought me great presents, activity books & flowers...your kindness & support is very much appreciated. We are also very happy to have all of our family & friends support & prayers through all of this. We would not be able to get through all of the ups & downs without you all. Thank you so much for everything & in 10+ weeks we will have Jordan with us healthy & happy :-)

We will as always keep you all posted. Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.
Love xoxoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to RMH We Go...

Well, went to our OB visit today @ 9:45. We were scheduled to have a Fetal Fibronectin (FFN) swab done again & a regular check up. It should have been a 1/2 hour appointment that turned into an hour & a half followed by a trip to the hospital.

After Dr. Holbrook did the FFN swab she wanted us to have a cervical length ultrasound done too. I was excited to see the baby again & we were sure the length was going to be fabulous since all I've done is lie around. Well, we were incorrect. The final length was a 1.9!!!!! The shortest it has ever been & there is also funneling being shown...looks like it is opening & getting ready for baby to come. We DO NOT want that happening.

Once Dr. Holbrook reviewed the ultrasound results she had us do a non-stress test to check for any contractions. We have been taking our procardium pill every 6 hours so we were certain that everything was fine. Again, we were incorrect. Dr. Holbrook saw multiple contractions but very small to the point that I did not feel anything. to the hospital we went. First though we stopped at home to pack a bag, get some reading materials, computer & my pillow :-)

We walked into the hospital like we knew what were doing...Oh wait! We did know because it's the 2nd time we've been here now in less than 2 weeks. We are exhausted at this point. We are very unsure of why things are happening & what is going on & what is our next step. I have an IV in giving me the Magnesium Sulfate every hour to stop contractions. A doctor from my OB clinic came to see us & said they are unsure of the next step. Their job was to get the contractions to stop, which they did. Now we are in the hands of Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) Doctors...we know them all very well from all of the ultrasounds we have had with them. Right now, we are unaware of what the next step is because no one has been here to see us from MFM. So, we wait patiently & pray that things get better.

Not sure of how long we will be here, what else is going on, why this is, can't tell you much else. We just want to keep everyone informed. Thanks for all your love & support. We'll know more hopefully soon.

Love xoxoxooxo,
The Helgerson's

Thursday, July 9, 2009

1st Baby Shower...

My Mom & I....Grammie Deb
Nicole, Me, Angie & Dena...the hostesses
My sister & I...Jordan's going to love her so much
Kelly & I....hope Jordan finds a friend like her
Beautiful Princess cake...also delicious
Some pretty onesies...we'll go through those quickly
Jordan's 1st pink she can match Mommy
Aunt Aimee & I w/ Cinderella
Another shot of the prettiest cake...I love Disney

Well, I have the best girlfriends ever...they threw us a wonderful baby shower. The theme was "Disney Princess" it was perfect. It was so nice to have all our friends around & celebrating our baby Jordan with us. We received so many gifts, clothes, books, bath supplies & toys...we were overwhelmed by the kindness. Thank you to my girlfriends, Dena, Nicole & Angela for the shower & to all the guests who shared in our 1st shower for baby Jordan. We have 3 more showers coming up, my family, Nate's family & my work are all throwing us a there will be more pics & info to share :-)

Monday, July 6, 2009

GREAT follow up appointment...

We went to our follow up visit w/ our OB doctor today. We had a non-stress test (NST), cervical length ultrasound & a doctor visit. It was an hour & a half...but so worth it. We received nothing but good news :-) Yeah!!!! We also brought a grandma with us to see the baby....Grandma Helgerson (Nate's Mom) got to join us today & it was nice to have her be there for us & Jordan.

The NST was a bit difficult...Jordan wouldn't stop moving around & it was hard for the CNAs to find her heartbeat. She finally sat still long enough for us to get a good reading. Her heart sounded like she was racing in a horse race. We are not having any contractions & her heartbeat is perfect.

Our ultrasound was also successful...we are now measuring at 3.5 for our cervical length. The bed rest is obviously working so the doctor wants to keep me on it & take care of myself & the baby. Jordan wasn't very cooperative though so we didn't get any good pictures of her. She was hiding out in my hips & was not showing her face today. She wants to be a surprise for Grandma. Haha. I'm sure there will plenty more opportunities to see Jordan :-)

Our doctor visit went well too...We were scheduled to see Dr. Holbrook, but she got called out to deliver a baby. Those babies don't have a schedule...they just show up. Haha. Today we saw Dr. Jurgens instead...he's a very nice man & loves to tell stories. He is satisfied with the progress since the hospital stay & will discuss what the next step will be with Dr. Holbrook.

As for now bed rest is in order. I am able to lounge, but not add any pressure to my cervix by sitting or standing. Whatever is best for the baby we will do. This is our preparation for being good parents :-) Thank you everyone for your love & support. All the prayers were obviously helpful & keep up the prayers.

Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Friday, July 3, 2009

Leaving RMH & hopefully not back for 12+ wks....

Well, this morning Dr. Jurgens (another OB Dr. in our clinic) came to see me & told me everything looks great. He wants to wait until my culture comes back which he thinks will be tomorrow morning. He just wants to make sure everything is negative & if it isn't negative at least we've already treated me for 48 hours on all the antibiotics :-)

Now I sit here at the hospital & was told that the lab results just came in. All tests were negative!!! I love good news...haven't had a lot of it lately. So...I'm going home. Dr. Jurgens says I need to be an incubator for the next 12+ weeks, because I'm the best thing for the baby. No machine that they have here in the hospital does a better job than the Mom. In other words I am to lay around, go to the bathroom, take a shower & to visit my OB doctor weekly. Dr. Jurgens says the more I sit & stand the more pressure on the baby. He wants me laying at an incline or laying completely flat.

For the next 12+ weeks I'll be reading a lot of books, watching lots of movies, some online shopping & hope to see lots of you visiting :-) I love visitors!!!

Thanks everyone for all your thoughts & prayers. They were very helpful. Next year we will be celebrating the 4th of July with our little girl, Jordan. That's what makes us excited!

Have a great weekend.
Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back to RMH today :-(

I had my non stress test (NST) at my doctor's office/work today & then an appointment w/ Dr. Holbrook immediately following. I thought the NST went well, Jordan was kicking away...little did I know good news was not to follow.

I went into the exam room to have a Fetal Fibronectin (FFN) test done. This test is to tell if we will go into preterm labor in the next 2 weeks. Dr. Holbrook did the test, put the swab of the cells in a bag on ice & sent me off to the hospital. Our doctor said I was having multiple contractions & they need to be stopped. Her orders are being admitted to RMH today, bring this test with you, they will run the test & get results quicker than we would at the clinic, you are going to be put on Magnesium Sulfate (Mag) to stop all contractions, we'll be monitoring you & the baby for 24 hours, call your husband & we'll check on you after clinic hours.

So, I went on my way to Rockford Memorial. Everyone at work was great offering to bring me to the hospital, but I just needed to get out & go before I broke down. I was on a mission & I just couldn't sit & wait for someone else to bring me or pick me up.

I called my husband...aka Jordan's Daddy, my Mom & my Mother-in-Law. All Grandma's need to know what is going on with their grand baby :-) Got to the hospital in 15 minutes, walked into the ER & said I'm having contractions & was sent by my OB Doctor...where do I go? Came up to labor & delivery, got hooked up to IV's, drugs, blood pressure monitors, NST machine to monitor contractions & then I got lunch. Haha. As I was being hooked up the husband, my Mom & sister came in. Shortly after their arrival my other Mom (Nate's Mom) & other sister (Nate's Sis) came up to check on us all. It was very nice to have company...we were all a bit freaked out. Things got much better & quickly.

Contractions had slowed down, Nate went home to get some things for me & then my BFF, Dena came for a visit. After Dena showed up my parents came to just "look" at me as my Mom says. Haha. My Dad was worried, but just wanted to see me! Dena brought me info on bed rest, preterm labor & also a Disney quiz to keep me up to date. Nate showed up a bit later in comfy clothes & stayed the night with me. We did not get too much sleep. Hard to sleep when alarms are going off because the machine ran out of paper or there is air in the line. We both were very shaken up not knowing what the alarms were for. We have had 2 nurses here for us & they have both been wonderful.

I'm now in the Mother/Baby Unit, Room C203, Phone #815-971-8564. I have a new nurse, on my last bag of Magnesium Sulfate (Mag) & then I will start taking the oral pill to keep the contractions from coming back. My orders are bed rest, up for bathroom breaks, quick showers, lounging...not laying, not sitting, lounging at an angle. I can get a nice lounge chair & get a good tan...on my front side only of course. Haha.

Well, as always we'll keep you all posted. All prayers are helpful & they have been working :-) Thanks to everyone who has been visiting, checking in & praying for all of us. We are so thankful to have support from all of our family & friends.

Love xoxoxoxo,
The Helgerson's