Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas...

Sisters, Sisters...there were never such devoted Sisters! They love eachother ;-)
Jordan is looking at her Daddy like he's a nut....she knows him so well already!
The Helgerson's first family much fun!
Our favorite present EVER!!!!
Big girl sitting in her Great Grandpa's chair w/ a little help of course
Mother/Daughter matching pajamas from Santa....we love them so much we have a BIG smile for Daddy ;-)
Jordan meeting Santa & about to pull on his beard
LePla's & Helgerson's at Christmas...what a wonderful time this year!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year w/ our new baby! We were with both of our families & loved every minute. Jordan received so many gifts from family & Santa. She was a very good girl in the 2 months she has been here. Haha.

We spent Christmas Eve as usual....Jammies & Santa at Nate's Grandma Sander's house. Santa comes to visit & brings everyone pajamas to wear that night. It's so fun & who doesn't love new p.j.'s?! Jordan was very cozy w/ Santa (my brother-in-law, Brock) cozy she almost took his beard off. After Grandma Sander's house we head over to my parents house. We have a delicious dinner, open gifts & watch It's a Wonderful Life together. Jordan received her first tackle box, first Disney snowglobe & so much more from Grammie, Papa & Aunt Aimee ;-)

Christmas morning we open gifts at Nate's parents house. Again, Jordan received so many great gifts....Elf on a Shelf book (a new tradition we are going to start next year), clothes, & toys. Nate was busy opening gifts for Jordan, me & himself. Jordan was sleeping the entire time! After we are done at Nate's parents house we head over to his Grandma Sander's. We open gifts w/ his entire extended family. There are so many gifts it takes almost 3 hours. Tons of fun! Jordan got lots of clothes & some really nice learning toys. She didn't get to see what she got because she slept the entire time.

Around 3:00 we arrived at my parent's house to have Christmas dinner, presents & games w/ my extended family. Jordan received clothes & books once again....she is going to be well dressed & a great reader! This Christmas was a ton of fun. It was a long 2 days, but Jordan did an amazing job w/ so many people around & all the excitement. We can't wait for next year's Christmas...lots of fun toys & she will be more into it ;-)

A little update from the previous post about Jordan's 2 month check-up...she is 12 lbs 11 oz & 23 3/4 inches long. She is very strong....holding her head up & pushing herself up when she is on her tummy. She now loves to sit up (we hold her up of course) & she thinks she is tough stuff when she stands. We are amazed at everything she does. She has started to babble & is the smiling all the time. Nate is loving that she is more interactive....he can't wait to play toys & read books to her. I however, love the cuddly baby time & would like her to never get bigger. Haha.

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy our pics from our 2 fun filled days ;-)
Love xoxox,
The Helgerson's

Friday, December 18, 2009

2 months old ;-(

Jordan in her pretty Santa hat ;-)
Loves to eat her hand & kick her legs
Very curious look on her face
Pretty Nate face ;-)
Jordan's Thanksgiving outfit

Time really does fly by...Jordan is now 2 months old ;-( She is amazing...Nate & I just stare at her & love watching her babble, eat her hand, kick her legs, blow bubbles out of her mouth. Oh the simple things in life. Jordan has her 2 month check-up tomorrow...she is getting her first series of shots, weighed & measured. I will update everyone on what a tank she is. Actually, she is just perfect ;-)

We have had a rough 2 weeks in our house. Nate's Grandpa Sanders passed away on Dec. 12th after he has been battling cancer for sometime now. We were all able to see him & say our goodbye's. The wake & funeral were very tough, but we were just glad to be around family & friends. Nate & his Grandpa were very close...they were "buds". It will be a tough time this Christmas, but we are happy to have Jordan to make us smile & we look forward to sharing her 1st of many Christmases. Grandpa wouldn't want us to be sad...he wants us to all be together & celebrate!

Hope you enjoy some of the new pics of Jordan. She is getting so big & changing all the time! We hope you & your family have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Sunday, December 6, 2009

So much to tell...

Jordan is worn out from all the baking @ Grammie & Papa's WI Cabin
Doozer loves Jordan so much...she always has to be right by her
Her first stay @ my parents WI cabin...I think she likes it there. Good thing because we'll be there a lot in the summer ;-)
3 generations of Helgerson's....proud Grandpa & Dad w/ their little fishergirl ;-)
Papa & Jordan napping...he doesn't share his chair w/ just anyone!

Well, since I have a minute I will update everyone on what has been going on in the life of the Helgerson's. I'm now back to work...I worked for the clinic for 5 months & I was off for 5 months. I started back to work Nov, 30th. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be. I was a little emotional Sunday night, but Monday morning I was up & ready to go. It was also helpful that my co-workers were so happy to have me back, it made me feel good. Plus, having Jordan watched by Grandma Lissa gave me a lot of comfort & relief. I missed her like crazy, but it was nice to be around adults, making money & being me again. I am a much happier person when I'm productive & busy. Happy me, means happy wife & mom ;-)

Nate brings Jordan into Belvidere to his Mom's house every morning. At 5:00 p.m he picks her up & brings her home. I'm always home before them so I anxiously await their arrival. He loves their bonding time. He has her listening to Classic Rock. Someday she'll be singing along with him. He hopes she loves Def Leppard just as much as him. It has been so fun to watch him w/ Jordan. He is so in love w/ her & she w/ him. He gets a lot of smiles from her & she loves to cuddle. Nate's work has been very busy, they have a lot of work & not enough guys for the job...hopefully that all changes soon. Nate is now the #2 guy in seniority in his area. Never thought we'd see the day. Now all Verizon needs to do is hire some people below him so he can get a great schedule & be off the call out list. That could take months, they don't move very quickly. He is also coming up on his 9th year with the company. Makes him sound really old. We are both coming up on 30 very quickly.

Jordan has been amazing the last 1 1/2 now that we figured out her formula issues. She wasn't keeping anything down & was always in pain w/ a lot of congestion. We hated seeing her so upset ;-( So, like a good Mom & Dad we got her to the doctor's office. We love our pediatrician, Dr. Omengan, he is very patient & listens to what we have to say. Jordan is now on Enfamil A.R. for spit-up w/ 1 tsp of rice cereal. She eats 5 oz every 4 hours...she now also weighs 11 lbs 2 1/2 oz. She's a big sturdy girl ;-) She no longer wears newborn or 0-3 month clothes. It needs to be either 3 month or 3-6 month sizes. Good thing she has so many clothes...we haven't had to buy anything except a few warmer sleepers.

Next weekend we are getting our Christmas shopping done & having a night to ourselves. Jordan will have her first sleepover at Grammie & Papa's house. Nate & I are very excited to get out & do whatever we's been a loooooooooooong time. Since July 1st we haven't been able to do a lot w/out worrying. We are so thankful we have family around to allow us to have some alone time. We are going to miss her & we'll probably call a few times, but we'll enjoy being just us for a while!

We hope you all have a happy holiday season. We will be sending out Christmas cards w/ a pic of Jordan keep an eye out!

Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's