Monday, November 29, 2010

House Pics...

Here is a link to see all of the photos of our new house ;-) We are loving it!!! Now we just need to win the lottery to decorate, paint, landscape & finish the basement. All will happen with time...we will be here for a loooooooong time.

Our New Crib...

We have been in our new home a little over a week now. We are in LOVE!!! Jordan loves all the room to explore. Her room is all set-up & ready to be played in, slept in & messed up so Mommy can clean it up over & over. Doozer is finally realizing that we are not going to leave...she kept following us to the back door thinking it was time to go. She now has her favorite spot & knows where her food, toys & water is at. Our new address is 694 Overture Way, Roscoe, IL 61073. We are so excited to celebrate Christmas in our new home. We have been busy decorating it for Santa to come...we even have a fireplace for him to arrive.

Our move was very smooth & we have so many people to thank. Thursday night 11/18 we had many family members & friends over to load up our old home. We provided pizza & drinks for all the hardworkers. Friday 11/19 we closed on our old home at 9:00 a.m. Everything went very well there. We ended up getting the keys to our new home on Thursday afternoon because our closing on this house got pushed back to 1:00 p.m. on Friday ;-( The sellers realtor was nice enough to give us the keys early since things had gotten changed last minute. We moved a little bit in to the house Thursday night ;-) After our closing on the old home...we got the moving truck out of the driveway, said our last goodbyes & pulled away for the last time (I didn't even cry). We had a whole crew of people waiting for us at the new house to unload & unpack. The house was looking like a home by Friday night. Then Saturday came & my organizing craziness was unleashed...the house was organized, cleaned & no box was left to unpack by Sunday afternoon! I'm insane I know, but I just love doing it all.

Thanks to everyone who had a part in our buying, selling, moving, unpacking, organizing, decorating, babysitting Jordan, etc.... We are so blessed to have so many amazing people in our lives.

Once again...we hope you & your family have a wonderful & safe holiday season. You will be receiving Christmas cards in the mail soon from us ;-)

Love xoxoxo,
Nate, Rachel, Jordan & Doozer

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010...

Our little puppy dog...woof, woof!
Our 2nd Halloween ;-)
Jordan got presents on, fun, fun!

We met Nate's side of the family at Nate's aunt Cindy's house for dinner, tricks & some treats with the whole family. Jordan & all of her "cousins" were dressed up & ready to hit the neighborhood for some candy. Jordan received lots of "treats" from all the aunts, uncles & grandparents. After Nate's aunt, Cindy's house we headed over to my parents house. Jordan had some dinner there & met lots of old students of my Mom's. They always come trick or treating to my parent's. My Mom enjoys seeing all of her old students & I know they love her so much. Jordan loved seeing all the kids & waved to everyone of them. She is definitely not shy & thinks she is big stuff when the older kids are around.

On the bad news of Halloween...our brother-in-law, Brock had started to get dizzy, numb on his right side, slurred speech & memory loss. Brock, Mandy (Nate's sister/Brock's wife), & her parents went straight to the ER at Swedes in Belvidere. They ran a few tests & brought Brock by ambulance to Swedes in Rockford. He was admitted overnight for 2 nights. They ran a ton of tests on him & nothing came back showing why he had this episode. They believe he had a mini-stroke or that it is migraine related. He has a follow up next Wednesday & we will know more then. We have been saying a ton of prayers for him & his family. Brock & Mandy are expecting their first baby boy, Gavin Michael Behnke due on December 2nd. We are always hoping for the best. Please keep him in your prayers!

Hope you enjoy the pictures of our little puppy...she even barks too ;-) Seriously, if you ask Jordan, "what does a doggy say" She will say, "woof, woof" It is the cutest thing!

Hope you are all enjoying this fall weather & getting ready for the holidays to come....we are very excited for the holidays in our new home!

Love xoxoxo,
Nate, Rachel, Jordan & Doozer

New House...

We have found the perfect home for our family!!! We close on Friday, November 19th. We will close on our current home at 9:00 am & then close on our new home at 10:00. Then the moving & unpacking begins...thank goodness. I am not enjoying the packing process. Living out of boxes & having our house empty is no fun. I'm too much of an organizer to have everything disorganized. I like things put away & in their places.

We are soooo excited for our new home. It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch w/ a 3 car garage. The neighborhood is full of swing sets & children...Jordan is going to have so many new friends. We also have a dining room, unfinished basement, family room w/ fireplace & a big kitchen w/ granite countertops & stainless steel appliances. As soon as we walked in to view the home we fell in love. The ceramic tile & carpet throughout the home are exactly the colors we would've chosen. We also have 1st floor laundry which makes me so happy ;-)

Nate is already planning out his new basement & how to decorate & organize his big garage. I've got all the rooms decorated in my head...I just need more money & time to do it all. Our new address is 694 Overture Way, Roscoe, IL 61073. We will put up pictures as soon as it is "officially" our home! We are interested to see how Jordan & Doozer will react to the move....hoping for a smooth transition. We have a ton of family & friends helping with the move & we are so thankful for all the support we have had.

We will as always keep you updated ;-)
Love xoxox,
The Helgerson's