Wednesday, October 20, 2010

1 year Dr. checkup...

We have a one year old in the house who is just least that is what the doctor said ;-)

She is 31 1/4 inches long (90th percentile) & weighs 23 lbs 2 oz (60th percentile). Looks like we are going to have a tall skinny girl on our hands....supermodel! Doctor said we are feeding her right & giving her plenty of sleep & she is on the right track with talking, walking & everything else. YEAH!!!!

Jordan received 3 vaccinations today (only 2 shots though). She also received her first round of the flu shot. Since she has never had a flu shot she has to have 2 to make it work. Next year she will only need one shot. So, we have to come back in a month for her next flu shot. After that she will go for a height & weight check at 15 months which is in January. We have all of her appointments all scheduled so we don't miss anything!

She was a good girl at the doctor's office until the shots came. Then she just wanted to snuggle & by that time Mommy was ready for snuggle time too. I think the shots are worse on the parents...I just want to take her away & punch the nurse who gives the shots. ;-) Hurting my sweet baby girl is no fun to watch. She is now fast asleep in her crib w/ some motrin to relieve any pain she may have. She does have 2 bugs bunny bandaids on her chubber thighs...she is too cute!

Just wanted to update you all on her progress. Hope everyone is doing well.

Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Jordan...

Shrine to Jordan...2 albums, baby book, guest signing frame & family pic

Reading her books before it's time to get ready for the party!
Dancing to the Happy Birthday song before guests arrive
Loving her cake...but can't get her hands messy (just like Mommy)
The end of the cake eating....exhausted one year old
Cake for the guests to enjoy
The Le Pla family at the party

Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful baby girl...she will always be our baby! It has been the greatest year! Being parents is seriously the best thing to happen to us. Jordan has brought us so much joy & love. We have learned so much about ourselves this year. I can now function on less than 6 hours of sleep if needed. Thank goodness Jordan sleeps through the night 95% of the time. Nate is able to change #2 diapers if needed...never thought we'd see the day. Doozer is the best big furry sister ever! Our families have been amazing throughout this last year as well. We've all had so much fun together watching Jordan grow.

We had a big 1st birthday party yesterday on Jordan's actual birthday 10/17. We had about 40 people over to celebrate our daughter's big day. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies, mac & cheese, snacks & cake. Jordan enjoyed opening all of her presents. She received so many wonderful gifts....clothes, books, learning toys, blankets, bath toys & kitchen stuff. We are so thankful for all of the thoughtful people in our lives. Thank you to all who partied with us ;-)

On another note...our closing date for both houses is now on November 19th....Yeah!!! Now we can get in before Thanksgiving & get ready for all the fun for the holidays. We are so antsy to get into the new house...Nate & I have discussed our plans for the new house at least 50 times already. They keep changing too! We just want to do so much...but, the checking account will limit us. Haha!

I've posted a few pics from the big party....hope you enjoy them! Jordan's 12 month picture will be coming to your house soon. Watch your mail ;-) Hoping you & your family are all well.

Love xoxoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Jordan's SO BIG!!!!

Well, we officially have a walker....

It has been a big day in the Helgerson house...we put an offer in on the house of our dreams (we'll know more tomorrow) & our little 11 month 3 week old daughter is now walking ;-) It's a good time at our house!

Hope you enjoy the video!
Love xoxo,
The Helgerson's