Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

We are home & so happy!
Just so peaceful....for now ;-)
Aunt Mandy (Nate's sister) loving her niece so much, thinking about all their shopping trips
Grandma Lissa just amazed & thankful for her 1st grandbaby
Grammie Deb so in love w/ her Jordan Deborah ;-)
The 4 Le Pla girls...Jordan may have the Helgerson last name, but she's a Le Pla too ;-)
Jordan is melting her Papa's heart
Auntie Aimee is so happy to have a new friend & teach her so many things
Uncle Justin & Chrissy ecstatic to have a niece to spoil
Uncle Brock amazed by his new niece
The new Daddy a bit tired, but so thrilled to have a daughter...he already knows he's in trouble w/ this one ;-)
Jordan & Mommy ready to rest & so happy to finally meet

We arrived home on Monday, October 19th (Nate's 28th birthday) a little before noon. We are so happy to be home!! We unpacked & got settled in immediately. Our visitors have already started & we are so happy to have so many people who love us & want to meet our new little love. We have received a lot of gifts & flowers as well. We are overjoyed by all the support & love everyone has shown. It's still so surreal that we are a little family now...Nate, Me, Jordan & Doozer. Let the fun begin!

We have our first pediatrician appointment tomorrow 10/21 @ 11:15 for a weight check...when we left the hospital Monday Jordan weighed 7 lbs 10 oz...we'll see what the bundle of love weighs tomorrow. She loves to eat! Hope you enjoy the pics of our families w/ the new addition. Everyone is so amazed by her & we are all so happy to have her in our lives.

We will continue to post any updates & pics...she will grow up & change fast so we want all of our family & friends to enjoy watching in any way that they can.

Love xoxoxo,
The Helgerson's

Saturday, October 17, 2009

She's HERE!!!!!

He's hooked already...she is his Princess!
A bit unsure of what is going on...she's our burrito baby :-)
So....you are the one who stole all my food for the last 9 months!
I'm a little proud of how sweet she is
Well, Jordan Deborah Helgerson has entered the world....look out everyone! She's gorgeous, wonderful & amazing. We love her so much already....we are amazed at how much you love someone you just met.

We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 a.m. did a ton of paperwork, got hooked up to the I.V., finally got our pitocin meds close to 9:00. I was dilated at 4 cm & 90% effaced. Things were cooking along, but not fast enough...we were antsy ;-) Dr. Holbrook broke my water a little before 12:00 p.m. After the water was broke I immediately asked for the epidural. I was doing so well before, but there was sooooo much pressure after that experience.

I started feeling a ton of pressure as if the baby was dropping...well, I was right we were already at 8 cm by 3:45 p.m & within a half hour we were at 10 cm. So, we started pushing & getting things going. Jordan was a bit stuck, her shoulders didn't want to come & the cord was around her neck. She was born at 5:15 p.m.

She has a lot of hair, it's dark brown. Her eyes are brown but have a hint of blue. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz & 20 1/2 inches long. When she came out she wasn't screaming at all...as soon as she cried Nate & I lost it. We were so happy she was healthy & overwhelmed by how incredible this experience really is.

Now we are settled in to our room together....watching a little t.v. & just snuggling :-) It really has been the best experience in our lives & we are so excited to see what the future brings with us. She's too beautiful for words...Nate is in love!!!

Thanks again for all the love & support.
Love xoxo,
The Helgerson's

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The End is Near...

We have made it to 39 weeks ;-) We had our weekly OB visit today @ 2:15. Nate & I met w/ Dr. Holbrook & wanted to discuss inducing if we go past 40 weeks, which would be this Monday (Nate's bday). We had Dr. Holbrook do an exam to see if anything was happening. I am 4 cm & 90% effaced. We are heading in the right direction to meet Jordan very soon.

We found out that Dr. Holbrook will be on-call all weekend. So, we were joking around w/ her & said, "We should have the baby this weekend so you can deliver." We both love Dr. Holbrook & she has been wonderful throughout our pregnancy. We would also be fine w/ any other doctor in the clinic, but we are both so comfortable w/ Dr. Holbrook. She said, "Let me see, how does Saturday work for you guys?" Nate & I both thought she was joking. She then tells us to arrive at Rockford Memorial Hospital at 7:30 a.m., head up to labor & delivery & we'll have a baby. We both had the big deer in the headlights look. We knew the end was near, but we didn't realize it was in 3 days!

Dr. Holbrook said if my body wasn't already on the way to deliver Jordan she would wait. I am not gaining any more weight, Jordan is running out of room & we are half way there. Plus, Jordan is head down & will be a sturdy girl. So there is no sense in waiting. The nurses at the clinic think we'll go before Saturday, but for those of you who know me...I like a plan! If we go sooner I'm ok with that, but at least I know we have something scheduled ;-)

Well, Nate & I are going to go out for our "last supper" Friday night to celebrate making it through all of our ups & downs these past 9 months. We can't wait to meet our little girl. She will be born Saturday, which is also Sweetest Day...how perfect is that?! She is our sweetest ;-)

Thanks again to everyone who has been there for us through all of our craziness....we appreciate having such wonderful family & friends. We will do our best to keep everyone updated on Jordan's arrival. We are bringing the laptop & camera to the hospital so we can give you all the news & show you her cute face asap.

Love xoxoxo,
Nate, Rachel, Jordan & Doozer

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

38 Weeks...

Well, we are now at 38 weeks w/ our pregnancy....can't believe we have made it this far! We are so happy & thankful we've come this far. We can't wait to meet Jordan...well, Nate can he would like her to arrive on his bday, he thinks it would be a nice present. I however, would like her to show up soon. I've been on bed rest for 16 weeks & now that I can get around & do whatever I want, I just want to meet her & take care of her. In other words, I've got ants in my pants.

Today we had our weekly OB visit. Jordan's heart rate is perfect. My blood pressure is good, weight is still fine....hasn't gone up at all. I have been swelling in my right foot & ankle the last few days. Dr. Holbrook says it's nothing to worry about until I start having headaches, blurred vision or flu like symptoms. So, right now I'm just swelling due to the joys of being pregnant ;-) Today was a quick appointment....not much to tell you all. I scheduled another appointment for next Wednesday. I'm hoping we have Jordan by then, but you never know....she has her own schedule & plan. Just like her mother ;-)

I think this is the shortest post ever. Hope everyone is doing well. We will keep you posted if anything changes.

Love xoxoxox,
Nate, Rachel, Jordan & Doozer

Thursday, October 1, 2009

37 Week Update...

Well, we have made it to 37 weeks :-) We also had a trip to the hospital Tuesday night....I was having consistent contractions every 10 minutes for an hour & they were painful. So, I called the OB doctor on-call & she suggested we go to the hospital. They hooked us up to the NST machine to monitor our contractions & also checked to see if we were dilated. We were there for a little over an hour & ended up going back home. We were dilated to 1 cm & having contractions....but, they weren't "labor" contractions. The nurse said that when we are having labor contractions we'll know they are 10 times more painful. My eyes got really big & I just said, "I can't wait." Haha. We now have our route to the hospital & everything is in the car now just in case ;-)

Yesterday I had 2 appointments for myself....fun filled Doctor day. In the morning I had to see the hemo doctor (blood guy) one last time to see if my platelets were above 100,000 in order to receive an epidural. I just passed & will be able to get an epidural. Problem is though that they will retake my blood when we arrive to deliver & go off of that amount, so we are hoping it stays above 100,000!

In the afternoon I went to my OB office/work :-) We saw Dr. Holbrook this time (she's our favorite) she measured my belly & we are measuring at 38 weeks. She said wow, this baby is going to be a big girl. We were smiling....we are so happy to have made it this far & finally have good news coming! The doctor rechecked my cervix & we are now dilated to 2 cm & 80% effaced. She had us schedule another appointment for next week, but she didn't think we'd make it that far. She sees us delivering way before next Wednesday. Also, I now weigh 171 lbs...YIKES!! I have gained 41 lbs....it's amazing how easy you can gain weight. It's going to be fun trying to lose it....but, it's all so worth it.

So...now we just sit & wait. Jordan has a mind of her own & will show up when we are least expecting it I'm sure. We can't wait to meet her. Her Princess room is all ready for her arrival & Doozer is checking everything out wondering what is coming to our house soon. We would also like everyone to know that we would love visitors at the hospital & once we get home w/ Jordan you are welcome to visit then too. We just ask that once we get home if you could call first. This way we can still get into a routine & have company too. Thank you ahead of time for respecting our wishes. It's already going to be a mad house. Haha.

On another note....Nate returned to work full time w/ no restrictions on Tuesday. He said he's in no pain, but physical therapy is killing him. He never realized how awful some of the exercises he's doing could make him be in so much pain. His calf muscles are killing him! We also met with a lawyer yesterday to get what money we didn't receive from workmans' comp. They have shorted Nate on a bunch of "regular" pay & we are looking to get what is owed to us. The lawyer doesn't get paid unless we collect & if we collect he gets 20%....so, we figure it's a win situation either way.

Well, the next update may be the arrival of Jordan :-) We will of course keep you posted & have lots of pics to take. Jordan's daddy has his camera all ready for her! Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers. We are so thankful for all the love & support our family & friends have given us through our journey.

Love xoxoxo,
Nate, Rachel, Jordan & Doozer